Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beast from Air

Dear Mother,

Character Journal chapter 6

When the chapter begins, Sam and Eric have let the signal fire die out. It was there responsibility to keep it going, but they fell asleep. It says of Sam and Eric, “But they could never manage to do things sensibly if that meant acting independently, and since staying awake all night was impossible, they had both gone to sleep” (84). The boys were irresponsible and did not keep the fire going. There were planes fighting overhead and maybe the fire could have been seen. Most of the boys don’t seem to be taking getting rescued too seriously. They let the fire go out again. If they understood how important it was they would be more trustworthy. Ralph is the only one that is constantly thinking about the fire. When Ralph says they need smoke, Roger shouts, “We’ve got plenty of time!” Roger and the other boys aren’t showing enough concern about the signal fire. They are more interested in having fun and rolling rocks off of cliffs.

Also, while Sam and Eric were walking up the trail, they see something in the shadows. They think it’s the beast as the head bobs up and down, but they can’t see it clearly. When they get back, they exaggerate about what they saw. They tell the other boys, “It was furry. There was something moving behind its head – wings” (88). The boys are letting their fears get the best of them. They didn’t see eyes and claws the way they say. Fear is starting to take more control over the island.

Ralph is barely hanging onto control. When they are debating whether to go back and make the fire, he has so scream, “No! I’m chief. We’ve got to make certain…Are you all off your rockers?” (95) Even though boys then do go back to the mountain to make the fire, Ralph is hanging on to his power by a thread. More boys are starting to question him, and to follow Jack.


The beast: The beast seems to represent fear. The boys’ fear is getting worse, and their ideas about the beast are getting worse. They are making assumptions of the beast based on fear, and not facts.

Conch: The conch, which represents civilization and order. In this chapter, Jack says, “Conch! Conch!…We don’t need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things. What good did Simon do speaking, or Bill, or Walter? It’s time some people knew they’ve got to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us” (89). The conch is starting to lose power and Jack is saying they should end the rule about letting anyone who has it to talk. The conch is becoming less important because order is becoming less important to the boys.


I think Piggy will become leader because he has the best ideas.

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